Dragonhide Laminated Dice Cup
This cup has been hand-crafted from the thick dragonhide of a very rare dragon. The hide was laminated using modern technology to preserve the creature’s natural capabilities. This way the resistance to magic and “bulletproofness” are carried to the item. All modern magic practitioners are sure to find many uses for it and make another step into the future of magic with real XXI century technology.
This cup has sophisticated design, as the imprint on real leather is laminated and resembles black snake skin of an ancient wyrm. Each cup and lid is handmade with great patience and loving skill. The separate parts are sewn together with durable string in matching color. Our Dice Cup is specifically designed to keep your dice safe in any circumstances. It has been tested with three full sets of dice and all of them fit perfectly!
The Dice Cup you receive might vary slightly in print, dimensions, colors and leather thickness due to the nature of the product being 100% handmade from real leather.